About Yarsagumba

Yarsagumba is a unique caterpillar-fungus fusion that occurs when parasitic mushroom spores (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) infect and mummify a ghost moth larva living in the soil. A spindly fungus later sprouts from the dead caterpillar host’s head. Two to six centimeters long, the fungus shoots above the soil, acting as a tiny, finger-shaped flag for harvesters to find. This peculiar hybrid is the world’s most expensive biological resource. Yarsagumba thrives in the picturesque peaks of the Himalayas, at altitudes of between 3000 and 5000 meters, in Nepal, India and Bhutan, and also on the “roof of the world” — the Tibetan Plateau. In Tibet, it’s called “Yartsa gunbu,” which translates to “summer grass winter worm.”


(1)Enhancing the immunity

(2)Restraining the tumor 

(3)Improving athletic performance by increasing energy
(4)Protecting heart from anoxic diseases and arrhythmia
(5)Being used to cure the chronic respiratory diseases and
relieves asthma
(6)Being used to cure the chronic disease of kidney, alleviate
the kidney’s injure
(7)Strengthening marrow’s ability of forming the blood platelet,
erythrocytes and white cell
(8)Debasing the cholesterin and Triglyceride the blood; also possessing antiatherosclerotic function
(9)Boosting libido and sexual function


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